WWE Raw Results April 17,2017

WWE RAW Results
April 17, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
Commentary: Michael Cole, Booker T and Corey Graves

“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.

The show opens with a video that recaps the incredible assault on Roman Reigns by Braun Strowman last week. Strowman viciously attacked him, slamming a crate into his head, throwing him off a ledge while attached to a stretcher, and tipped over an ambulance with him inside.

Braun Strowman addresses his attack on Roman Reigns

Braun Strowman’s music hits, and he comes out to a big reception from the crowd. Strowman says, “I’m proud to say last week I broke Roman Reigns in half.” Strowman is proud that Reigns left in an ambulance and has a separated shoulder and cracked ribs. Strowman is damn sure proud that Reigns will not be here tonight. Each thing that Strowman is proud of got a louder and louder cheer. A “YES” chant fires up. Now that Reigns is out of his way, he intends to tear through the entire locker room to show the world that he is the monster among men.

Kurt Angle’s music hits, and the RAW General Manager makes his way to the ring while the crowd sings, “You suck!” Angle asks what more Strowman can do. He’s done enough damage. He’s even flipped over an ambulance with Reigns inside. Strowman says there is more to come. Angle says Reigns called him before they went on the air. Angle grants Reigns a match against Strowman at WWE Payback. Strowman says it’ll be Reigns’ funeral. As for tonight, Strowman should be suspended. The crowd boos this. Angle gives Strowman the night off. Strowman says Mick Foley played these games with him, but that didn’t get him anywhere. Strowman wants more competition tonight… or else. Angle asks, “Or else what?” Strowman approaches him, but then he drops the microphone and leaves.

Samoa Joe vs Chris Jericho

As soon as the bell ring, Joe forces Jericho into the corner. Joe unloads with multiple strikes. Jericho collapses. Joe face washes Jericho. Joe hits the ropes for the running boot, but Jericho stands up and dropkicks Joe. Jericho dumps Joe to the outside. Joe gets up on the apron but Jericho takes him out with the triangle dropkick. After a short break, Joe chops Jericho in the back, kicks him in the chest, then hits a Muta elbow for a two count. Joe locks in a nerve hold. Jericho tries to fight out of it but Joe tosses Jericho out to the apron. Jericho runs along the apron and hits a top rope double axe handle. Jericho hits the ropes and runs right into a power slam by Joe. Joe misses an elbow drop, which allows Jericho to hit the lionsault for a near fall. Joe stumbles into the corner. Jericho charges in, but Joe hits the uranage. Joe goes up top but Jericho moves out fo the way of Joe’s Senton attempt. Jericho tries to lock in the walls of Jericho, but Joe fights out of it. Joe locks in the coquina clutch. Jericho walks the ropes and turns it into a pin. Joe kicks out and holds onto the hold. Jericho has no choice but to tap out.

Winner- Samoa Joe

After the match, Joe grabs a mic and yells for Seth Rollins. Joe asks Rollins if he remembers what it sounded like when he arrived here. Joe remembers it very well. It was the sound of Rollins ligaments and joints popping. It was the sounds of Rollins screaming in agony. That was just business. That was a result of his benefactor Triple H. Because of what Rollins did to Triple H and his wife Stephanie McMahon. When they step into the ring at Payback it won’t be business- it will be personal. Rollins stands on the announce table and says at Payback it won’t be business, it will be all about Payback… And Payback it a bitch.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are walking in the back on their way to the ring for their match. The camera cuts to Goldust and R-Truth also headed to the ring. Strowman appears out of nowhere and beats the crap out of Truth and Goldust. Numerous agents run in to stop Strowman from continuing his assault.

In the locker room, a referee walks up to Strowman and tells him the General Manager said he has the night off. Strowman says he will leave when he is ready.

Anderson and Gallows are in the ring. Karl Anderson says Braun Strowman gave The Golden Truth the “United Airlines treatment” and left them on standby. They left Japan and came here for two reasons: to be mean and make green. Luke Gallows says Kurt Angle better line up some nerds in the locker room so they can do both right now.

The music of Enzo and Cass hits to a big reception, and they come out to the stage to a big reception. Enzo goes through his usual shtick while the crowd sings along. Enzo says the Superstar Shake-up came and went, and Monday is still the realest night of the week. Cass says they can see the future. There are two bald heads, four black eyes, and only one word to describe them: S-A-W-F-T!

Gallows and Anderson vs. Enzo and Cass

Big Cass starts against Karl Anderson. Cass knees him down and clubs the back. Cass punches away at him while Michael Cole mentions The Revival is out for eight weeks. Enzo is tagged in, and Cass throws him into Anderson. Enzo wrenches the arm and tags Cass back in. Cass clubs him down before punching away at him. Cass sends him into the ropes and shoulder blocks him down. Cass then clotheslines Anderson over the top rope. Enzo tags in, and Cass throw him into Anderson and Gallows on the floor. They get in the ring and celebrate.

Anderson floors Enzo with a flying boot for a near fall.Anderson took advantage of a distraction to gain control. Enzo fights up from an arm bar, but Anderson whips him hard into his corner. Gallows tags in and kicks Enzo. Gallows applies a wristlock, but Enzo fights up. Gallows quickly takes him back down with an arm breaker. Gallows continues to work over the arm before kicking him down in the corner. Anderson tags in and drops a knee. Anderson works on the arm before viciously slamming Enzo down with a sloppy spinebuster for a near fall. Gallows tags back in, but Enzo fights him off and comes off the second rope with a diving DDT. Anderson stops Enzo from tagging in and punches him down in the corner. Enzo avoids a running boot in the corner. Both men fall out of the ring. Enzo gets in and tags Big Cass.

Big Cass takes down Gallows and Anderson. Cass avalanches Anderson in the corner and hits a sidewalk slam. Cass drops the Empire Elbow before hitting a nasty big boot. Enzo is tagged in, and they go for Bada Boom Shakalaka, but Cass throws Enzo into Gallows. Cass then big boots Gallows over the top rope and goes over with him. Anderson then slams Enzo into the turnbuckles and picks up the win.

Winners by Pinfall: Gallows and Anderson

Miz TV: Featuring The Miz, Maryse, and Dean Ambrose

Miz welcomes everyone to Miz TV. Miz and his wife shocked the world when they joined Monday Night Raw. Before Miz can continue, Dean Ambrose interrupts them. Miz chastizes Ambrose for stepping on their intro. Ambrose asks for a truce since they are both in their hometown. Miz asks Ambrose if he thinks this is a joke. Ambrose says Miz’s suit is the real joke. Miz says he dresses like this because he respects what a WWE Superstar is. Everything Ambrose is is a disgrace to what a WWE Superstar really is. Ambrose makes Superstars look like “Rasslers”. Ambrose might as will put on a fanny pack and Zubas. Miz laments the fact that Ambrose got opportunities that he feels like he should have. Miz calls Ambrose lazy and complacent.

That is why Ambrose will never break the glass ceiling. Ambrose says he could be wearing Zubas and a fanny pack but it won’t matter. Ambrose doesn’t care about branding. Ambrose is just Dean Ambrose. Ambrose says everything he is makes him the Intercontinental champion. Miz ought to know- Ambrose beat him for it. Maryse calls Ambrose a street rat and says the belt doesn’t make the man, the man makes the belt. Ambrose asks Maryse to hold his mic. Miz rants about Ambrose making the title trash. Ambrose folds his coat, tosses it at Maryse and attacks Miz. Maryse hits Ambrose from behind with the mic. Ambrose turns around Miz almost hits the skull crushing finale but Ambrose turns it into a dirty deeds attempt. Miz runs away.

Backstage, Strowman is dragging Kalisto’s limp body. Strowman says Kalisto is trash, just like Reigns. Strowman picks up Kalisto and dumps him in the trash. Big Show appears out of nowhere and shoulder blocks Strowman into a garage door. Show yells at Strowman to pick on someone his own size and walks away.

Cruiserweight Match
TJ Perkins vs. Jack Gallagher

Footage is shown of TJ Perkins turning on Austin Aries last week on RAW. Neville influenced Perkins to attack Aries by telling him Aries took opportunities away from him.

Neville is introduced before the match begins, and he makes his way to ringside to watch. Austin Aries’ music hits, and he comes out to the stage. Aries says he didn’t know they were having a special viewing party. Aries invites himself and introduces himself as the man who will soon be the Cruiserweight Champion. Aries takes a folding chair and sits right next to Neville.

The bell rings, and Neville gets to his feet to talk trash to Aries. Neville then rolls his chair away. Gallagher applies a side headlock and takes him down. Perkins fights up, but Gallagher takes him right back down. Aries is eating a banana at ringside. Gallagher keeps the headlock applied until Perkins fights out and applies an arm bar. Gallagher uniquely twists out and takes him down before adjusting his mustache wax. Gallagher then reclines into a pin for a one count. Perkins comes back with a head-scissor and does a dab. Gallagher hooks the head, but Perkins gets out. Gallagher takes him down and does the dab to mock Perkins. Perkins takes the umbrella and throws it to ringside. Gallagher is angered. Gallagher does a handstand into the corner and kicks Perkins back. Perkins hangs himself in the ropes, so Gallagher dives at him. Perkins moves, and Gallagher nearly lands on his head at ringside!

Perkins stretching Gallagher out in the ring. Gallagher fights up, but Perkins punches him down. Gallagher lands on his feet to counter a suplex, and he uppercuts him down. Gallagher slams him down and hits a powerslam for a near fall. Perkins elbows him back and hits a springboard forearm to take him down. Gallagher takes him down with a vicious head-butt that sends Perkins out of the ring. Gallagher picks up the umbrella and opens it up. Gallagher goes to the top rope and does the Mary Poppins senton to the floor. Gallagher gets him into the ring, but Perkins rolls back out. Gallagher goes outside to retrieve him, but Perkins throws him into Aries. Perkins gets in the ring, and Aries gets on the apron. Neville quickly sweeps his feet. Perkins kicks the middle rope into Gallagher’s face and hits the Detonation Kick for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: TJ Perkins

TJ Perkins stands triumphantly behind Neville while they go up the ramp.

Backstage, Akira Tozawa tells Apollo Crews he is happy Crews is on Raw now Crews thanks, Tozawa. Titus O’Neal walks in and congratulates Crews on becoming a father for the first time. O’Neal asks Crews what he is going to doing to make an impact. Crews says he is all about that work. O’Neal tells Crews that he needs to join the Titus Brand. O’Neal give Crews a card and walks away.

Backstage, The Hardy Boyz are asked what has surprised them since returning. Matt says the superstars are stronger and faster. Jeff says he is happy to back on Raw. Sheamus and Cesaro walk in and say they Hardyz steal the show but they can’t beat them without ladders. Jeff says they don’t need ladders to beat them.

#1 Contender’s Fatal 4-Way
Sasha Banks vs. Alex Bliss vs. Mickie James vs. Nia Jax

Banks and James throw Bliss into Jax, and Bliss falls down. Jax dominates Banks and James early on. Jax absolutely whiffs on a kick that is sold. Bliss breaks up the pin. Bliss slaps Jax in the face. Bliss tries to beg her off and runs away. James and Banks dropkick Jax out of the ring. Banks and James circle the ring and lock up. Banks rolls James up for a one count. James gets a jackknife pin for a one count. Bayley is seen watching backstage. James dropkicks Banks down, but Banks quickly comes back with a head-scissor takeover. James takes her down with a hurricanrana and follows up with a neckbreaker, but Jax pulls her out of the ring. Banks then takes takes Jax and James out with a suicide dive.

Jax comes in and slam Bliss before slamming Banks onto Bliss. Jax then slams James onto both of them. Jax covers James for a two count. James rag dolls her around with a sleeper hold. Jax throws James down and continues to dominate everyone. Banks tries to fight back, but Jax gives her some back elbows and applies a bear hug. Banks counters into a guillotine choke, but Jax counters that into a suplex. James breaks up the pin and clubs away at Jax. Jax grabs her by the throat and lifts her up. Bliss is shown waiting for her cue to get into the match. James transitions into an arm bar, and Jax goes down wrong. This looks bad. Jax powers up and haphazardly dumps James into the corner. Bliss goes to the top rope, but Jax scares her away. Jax charges and hits the ring post shoulder first. Banks is knocked out of the ring, and it’s James and Bliss. James takes Bliss down with a poor looking cross-body. James goes for a DDT, but Banks stops it. Banks kicks Bliss in the face and hits double knees, but Jax rips her out of the ring before the cover. James pulls Jax off the apron. Bliss then knocks James into Jax. It’s down to Bliss and Banks now. Bliss talks trash before Banks applies the Bank Statement. James breaks it up. James and Banks trade punches before James hits a flapjack. Banks crotches her on the top rope and goes for a superplex. Jax hits Banks with a Samoan Drop. Bliss dropkicks Jax away and pins Banks for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Alexa Bliss

Alex Bliss is the #1 Contender for the WWE RAW Women’s Championship.

Charly Caruso interviews Big Show backstage. Big Show says Braun Strowman needs to know how it feels to be intimidated. Tonight, Strowman will get a big dose of his own medicine.

Curt Hawkins is in the ring again. Hawkins says he’s the reason Big Show is in the main event tonight since he was in the ring with him last week. Who wants to come out and join the Curt Hawkins Star Factory? Finn Bálor answers the challenge.

Curt Hawkins vs. Finn Bálor

Bálor quickly ducks a chop and takes Hawkins down with a dropkick. Bálor follows up with a Sling Blade before dropkicking him into the corner. Bálor finishes him off with the Coup de Grâce for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Finn Bálor

Bray Wyatt will have a message for Randy Orton, next.

Dulé Hill from the movie “Sleight” is shown at ringside. They show a clip from the movie.

Mike Rome is backstage with Chris Jericho. Jericho says he lost to Samoa Joe, but there’s nothing to be ashamed of with that. Jericho says he’s sidetracked by his rematch against Kevin Owens, that stupid idiot. Owens calls himself “The Face of America.” Owens is ugly. America deserves The Face of Jericho: Frame it in, man. If Jericho wins the United States Championship, he’ll go to Smackdown Live. Wherever he goes, the friends of Jericho will follow him. Jericho gets the crowd fired up, and a “Y2J” chant fires up. Jericho says this is a great group and calls him Tom, thinking he’s Tom Phillips. They go back and forth as to whether he’s Tom Phillips. Jericho tricks him into calling himself Tom. Jericho asks if you know what happens when you don’t know your own name. “The Drifter” Elias Sampson walks through the shot. Jericho says Rome is off the hook. Jericho asks the “strange, straggling wanderer” if he knows what happens when you walk through Chris Jericho’s promo. YOU JUST MADE THE LIST! Jericho thanks “Tom” and walks off.

Bray Wyatt is backstage, and he has a question: what are you afraid of? Are you afraid of the dark? Is it the fear of the unknown? Is it the monster that lives underneath your bed? Fear is what brings everyone together. It is the common bond. Wyatt is not like everyone else. He doesn’t bow down to the feet of fear. He controls it and harnesses it. Fear lives within his House of Horrors. Wyatt knows Randy Orton is scared. He can smell it. In his House of Horrors, all Orton’s fears will come to light. Wyatt will drag him down the hill so far his skin will blister. Before he reaches the light, he’ll drop him back into the abyss. Orton will feel like an infidel in chains forced to gnaw on his own arms to escape. Orton will know fear, pain, and horror. This will be his ecstasy. Orton’s suffering and pain will fuel him.  The House of Horrors will forever be the nightmare at the end of his dreams. When he leaves the House of Horrors, he’ll burn it to the ground with Orton inside. Wyatt says, “Come, join me, Randy, in the fire where it all began. In the fire is where it shall end. It all burns down here, Randy.” Wyatt laughs before saying, “Run!”

Dana Brooke is talking with Alicia Fox backstage. Emma walks up and says Dana was making fun of Fox being humiliated on WWE 205 Live. Fox says she doesn’t want to be Dana’s friend anymore. Dana is angry over the lie. Emma says Dana wants to stand on her own two feet, so she wants to see how good her balance is.

Jeff Hardy w/ Matt Hardy vs. Cesaro w/ Sheamus

They lock up, and Hardy wrenches the arm. Cesaro twists through and kips up before taking him down. Hardy twists through and gets to his feet. Cesaro sends him into the ropes, but Hardy holds on and dropkicks him out of the ring. Hardy hits a slingshot dropkick before diving off the apron with a clothesline. Hardy gets him in the ring and picks up a one count. Hardy sends him into the ropes, but Cesaro catches a leapfrog and slams him down. Hardy gets out of the ring and limps around. Cesaro follows him out and hits a running uppercut. Cesaro gets him back in the ring and picks up a two count. Cesaro gets him in the ring, but Hardy comes back with a jawbreaker. Hardy goes to the top rope, but Cesaro rolls out of the ring.

Matt Hardy checks on his brother at ringside. Cesaro gets Hardy back in the ring and picks up a two count. Cesaro covers again for a near fall. Cesaro applies a chin lock. Hardy fights up and takes him down with a clothesline. Cesaro sidesteps an avalanche and uppercuts him down for a near fall. Cesaro punches away at him before whipping him into the ropes. Hardy comes back with a clothesline and an inverted atomic drop. Hardy follows up with a low dropkick and a splash for a near fall. Hardy goes for a Twist of Fate, but Cesaro counters into an uppercut for a near fall. Hardy kicks him away, but Cesaro comes back with a springboard spinning uppercut for another near fall. Cesaro goes for a Cesaro Swing, but Hardy counters into a mule kick. Hardy goes to the top rope, but Cesaro crotches him with an uppercut. Cesaro goes to the top rope and goes for a superplex, but Hardy crotches him on the top rope. Cesaro falls to the floor. Cesaro gets back into the ring and sidesteps an avalanche. Hardy elbows him and hits the Whisper in the Wind for a near fall. Hardy dropkicks him in the corner and goes for a slingshot dropkick, but Cesaro moves. Cesaro picks up a two count. Cesaro goes for the Gotch Neutralizer, but Hardy gets out and hits a Twist of Fate. Hardy goes to the top rope and hits the Swanton Bomb for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Jeff Hardy

Matt Hardy and Sheamus get in the ring. Sheamus stares at him before checking on his partner. Sheamus extends his hand, as does Cesaro. The Hardy Boyz shake hands with their opponents at WWE Payback.

Mike Rome is outside the trainer’s room to give an update on The Golden Truth, but he’s interrupted by Heath Slater and Rhyno. Rhyno is eating crackers with cheese whiz. Slater is talking about how he’s making money finally, but they’re scared off by Braun Strowman who walks by, ready for the main event.

Braun Strowman vs. The Big Show

Braun Strowman meets Big Show on the ramp, and they start fighting. Strowman sends him into the barricade. Big Show fights back and punches him before sending him into the steel steps. Big Show then sends him into the barricade, and it moves a good bit.

Big Show gets him in the ring, and the bell rings to officially start the match. Big Show gives Strowman a hip toss over the top rope. Big Show hits the ropes and connects with a baseball slide. Big Show then sends him into the second set of steel steps. Big Show pulls him up to the apron, but Strowman punches him back. Strowman hits the ropes and dropkicks him down. Strowman wrenches the arm, but Big Show twists out. Strowman rolls through and kips up before hitting a judo arm drag! Strowman hits another arm drag, and Big Show falls on him. Strowman goes for a slam, but Big Show fights him off. Big Show goes for a slam, but Strowman fights him off. Strowman tries to lift him, but Big Show gets him off his feet, but he can’t slam him. Finally, Big Show scoop slams Strowman down. Big Show goes for a Chokeslam, but Strowman slaps his hand away and hits a textbook suplex. Strowman kicks Big Show and taunts the crowd. Strowman head-butts him down and kicks him in the ribs. Strowman steps on Big Show and flexes. Strowman is taking his time with Big Show. Strowman gives him a crossface and stands over him. A “Let’s go Big Show/Let’s go Strowman” chant fires up. Big Show gets to his feet, and Strowman scoops him up for a Powerslam, but Big Show slides off and powers him to the corner. Big Show then avalanches him in the corner. Big Show gets him on the top rope and chops the chest. Big Show goes for a superplex. A loud “YES” chant fires up, but Strowman fights him off. Strowman jumps off the second rope into a Chokeslam for a near fall. Big Show balls up his fist, but Strowman ducks the Knockout Punch and connects with a Powerslam for a near fall! Strowman circles the ring and goes to the top rope. Big Show crotches him on the top rope and head-butts him. Big Show goes for a superplex, but Strowman crotches him on the top rope. Big Show falls to the mat. Strowman jumps off the second rope into a Knockout Punch, but he kicks out at two and a half! Big Show is stunned. Big Show goes to the top rope, but Strowman cuts him off. Strowman climbs the ropes and gives him a SUPERPLEX THAT IMPLODES THE RING!! The crowd is going wild. After seeing a few replays, Strowman gets to his feet and raises his arms up!

No Contest

Braun Strowman celebrates on the ramp and says everyone will fall to the monster. Medical personnel check on Big Show, who hasn’t moved a muscle since the superplex.


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