WWE WrestleMania 36 results Day 01 - Major title change, epic Undertaker match,2020 highlights

WWE WrestleMania 36 results - Major title change, epic Undertaker match,2020 highlights

The one of a kind conditions of WrestleMania 36 being pre-taped from the void WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida, left fans with no thought what's in store of the occasion. The circumstance was not exactly perfect, given WWE's choice to push forward subsequent to moving the show from Raymond James Stadium in Tampa during the progressing coronavirus pandemic. The principal night of the two-night party outperformed any sensible desires with some high caliber in-ring activity and one of the most strange - yet engaging - coordinates in WWE history filling in as headliner.

The Boneyard Match between AJ Styles and The Undertaker was a puzzle heading into the night. What fans were blessed to receive was a WWE "true to life experience" that felt like a greater spending adaptation of Matt Hardy's Broken Universe. There was additionally a significant title change on the night, and Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins turned in a great exhibition with a genuine "WrestleMania minute" for one of the men.

Among the key matches set for Night 2 are Brock Lesnar safeguarding his WWE title against 2020 Royal Rumble champ Drew McIntyre, Edge confronting Randy Orton in a Last Man Standing match, and John Cena batting Bray Wyatt in a Firefly Funhouse coordinate. Continue perusing for results from the battle night of activity underneath. The WrestleMania 36 opening shot show will start Sunday night at 6 p.m. ET on WWE Network with the principle card getting in progress at 7 p.m. CBS Sports will be with you LIVE again on Sunday, giving updates and features while the activity goes down at the "Grandstand of the Immortals."

Cesaro vs. Drew Gulak (Kickoff Show): 

The two had a strong however short match. Gulak came out started up and disliked Cesaro before tossing him twice into the ring steps. An endeavor to get off the ground was countered with an European uppercut from Cesaro that reversed the situation, in the end prompting the completion, a no-hands plane turn into a hammer by Cesaro. Too short to ever be acceptable, too first rate to be awful.

Cesaro def. Gulak by means of pinfall

Women's Tag Team Championship -- The Kabuki Warriors (c) vs. Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross

A shockingly hard-hitting match between the four contenders opened the show with some large spots all through. Cross needed to fight her way through a late twofold group that included Asuka and Kairi Sane hitting a mix powerbomb and jumping lower arm before getting the tag to Bliss. From that point, Bliss hit her second Twisted Bliss off the match, sticking Sane and winning the titles all the while. This is the team's subsequent time holding the titles.

Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross via pinfall to win the titles

King Corbin vs. Elias

Ruler Corbin versus Elias: Corbin was out to the ring first, requesting he be proclaimed champ by relinquish after his attack on Elias eight days back. Elias advanced toward the ring, stunning Corbin before shooting him with his guitar. Corbin mobilized to lay a beating on Elias while requesting Michael Cole and JBL on editorial recognize how great he had been doing. Corbin endeavored to utilize the ropes for influence on a late pin, getting captured by the ref all the while. As he dissented, Elias scored a move up while holding the tights to get the dominate in a game that felt a piece overlong for the blend of styles.

Elias def. Corbin by means of pinfall

Raw Women's Championship -- Becky Lynch (c) vs. Shayna Baszler

Lynch and Baszler put on a match overwhelming with strikes and accommodation endeavors, giving the inclination to a greater degree a battle than a wrestling match. That was for the best with regards to Baszler's top properties, as she spent a significant part of the match resenting the victor. Lynch had to over and again counter Baszler's endeavors to secure in the Kirifuda Clutch. At last, it was one of those counters that scored Lynch the triumph. Bringing back a great completion from Bret Hart versus Roddy Piper at WrestleMania XIII, Lynch moved in reverse through the hold to stick Baszler's shoulders to the tangle for the pinfall triumph. Lynch came out of the match looking solid, however, Baszler losing her initially took shots at the title needs to give some interruption to anybody thinking she was a certain discharge star on the fundamental list.

Lynch def. Baszler by means of pinfall to hold the title

Intercontinental Championship -- Sami Zayn (c) vs. Daniel Bryan

The narrative of the match was essentially Zayn asking Drew Gulak to release him, maintaining a strategic distance from contact no matter what. Bryan was, in the long run, ready to deceive Zayn into a wrestling match, which he for the most part commanded. Zayn asked Bryan to stop before Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro caused an interruption.

After Bryan hit Nakamura and Cesaro with a suicide plunge, he went to the top rope yet was gotten by a Helluva Kick from Zayn, prompting the pinfall triumph and a fruitful title resistance. The match recounted to a superbly decent story in accordance with late long stretches of activity, yet there's a sure feeling of disillusionment that Zayn and Bryan couldn't go out and put on the match they're fit for with their world-class abilities.

Zayn def. Bryan by means of pinfall to hold the title

SmackDown Tag Team Championship -- John Morrison (c) vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Jimmy Uso (Ladder Match)

This was the show-taking counterpart for Night 1. With no group to help construct pivotal turning points, there was a solid possibility for frustration from the session, yet every one of the three men went dangerously fast in the singles coordinate for the label titles.

The normal enormous knocks were in plain view with men being dumped from stepping stools, onto stepping stools and to the outside. Morrison specifically hit a noteworthy parkour move from the highest point of the ring post onto Uso, who was on a raised stepping stool between the turnbuckles.

The completion of the match came when every one of the three men were holding the title rig as Uso unfastened it from the link suspending it from the roof.

As they fought over the belts, Morrison was thumped from the highest point of the stepping stool, pulling the belts with him to gain the triumph and hold the titles for his group.

Morrison def. Kingston and Uso to hold the titles

24/7 Championship

As Rob Gronkowski and Mojo Rawley were celebrating on the roost halfway through the show, R-Truth bounced into the casing. Gronk attempted to punch and pin Truth, yet Rawley pulled off the previous Patriots star and got the 1-2-3. Rawley def. R-Truth and Gronkowski to win the title

Kevin Owens vs. Seth Rollins

Rollins assumed control over the early piece of the match with a dirty move before the two struggled to and fro with huge amounts of counters and inversions that would have energized the group in the event that one was in participation.

Rollins, searching for the path of least resistance, utilized the ring chime to hit Owens, driving the ref to cancel the match and grant Owens the success by means of exclusion. Owens at that point got Rollins out, saying he didn't get the chance to end things so effectively and requesting they proceed without exclusions. Rollins concurred, returning to proceed with the assault on Owens, insulting, "You said you needed your WrestleMania minute?!" Owens in the end utilized a similar ring ringer to assume control over the match before plunging from the WrestleMania sign and driving Rollins through the declare table with a senton.

From that point onward, it just took Owens a minute to drag Rollins to the ring, hit a shocker and get the triumph. The absence of a group added a piece to this match with the two men continually rubbish talking one another and it adding awfulness to the session it might have missed something else.

Owens def. Rollins by means of pinfall

Universal Championship -- Goldberg (c) vs. Braun Strowman:

A speedy match, as was normal, and one that especially could have utilized a group response. Goldberg hit four lances, however, his endeavor at a Jackhammer on the large man was countered into a powerslam. Strowman would hit three more powerslams before scoring the pin to get all-inclusive victor in an extremely level dash.

Strowman def. Goldberg through pinfall to win the title

The Undertaker vs. AJ Styles (Boneyard Match)

This was, as envisioned, a WWE "artistic encounter." An intricate funeral wagon entrance at the graveyard was a swerve with Styles being uncovered as in a pine box in the back. Funeral director showed up for the "coordinate" on a cruiser with Metallica playing over the video.

The match transformed into a fight that extended from the burial ground to a stable to the outbuilding's housetop with Taker engaging Styles, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows - just as hooded "druids."

At one point, Styles had Taker in an open grave before Taker in one way or another appeared behind him. Starting there, it was all Undertaker, as he brutalized Styles before losing him the animal dwelling place rooftop. Styles endeavored to apologize and asked Taker not to cover him.

Taker said he wouldn't as a result of the battle Styles had set up, before kicking him into the grave and utilizing a tractor to fill the grave, winning WWE's first boneyard coordinate. The experience was unconventional, silly and by one way or another staggeringly engaging.

It was anything but a wrestling match in any kind of customary sense, however it was too done as anything including Undertaker can be in 2020 and on diversion alone, it was a triumph.

The Undertaker beat AJ Styles

The Deadman finished the match by dumping a heap of earth onto Styles. 

Not having editorial was the correct decision as hearing Michael Cole and JBL call this match would have removed us from the occasion. 

This was effectively the most one of a kind session we have found in quite a while: Everything from the introduction to the manner in which they were battling was unique. 

This was more similar to a trial film than a wrestling match and that worked in support of its. WWE took a great deal of motivation from Matt Hardy's Ultimate Deletion and utilized it to make something extraordinary. 

This was the most ideal result for The Undertaker now in his profession. WWE worked admirably assembling this such that made him look better than he has in years.


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