WWE SmackDown results (Apr. 17, 2020): New Tag Champions Crowned

New Tag Champions, New MITB rules, New Contenders,NExt week Segments..,etc - Stay Tune

WWE SmackDown returns dancing into our lives today around evening time (Apr. 17, 2020) with a show at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando because of the progressing coronavirus pandemic. There won't be any fans in participation, however, we will see the Miz protect the SmackDown label titles in a triple risk coordinate against Big E and Jey Uso. Additionally promoted for the card are two Money in the Bank qualifying matches: Daniel Bryan versus Cesaro, and Naomi versus Dana Brooke. At last Tamina will go one-on-one with Sasha Banks, and Sonya Deville will attempt to dispel any confusion air with Mandy Rose. 

The show opens with a realistic in memory of amazing ring host Howard Finkel. 

Thus to the introduction video. 

Critique builds up today around evening time's show. 

Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross make their passageway with the ring set up for A Moment of Bliss. 

Nikki toasts the possibility of them being the main ever double cross ladies' label champs, and Bliss presents their visitor, the new Universal Champion, Braun Strowman. 

They compliment him on beating Goldberg, and he salutes them on their title win, which prompts a three-way toast. They talk about Bray Wyatt being plural (well they state "various characters", however you know) and state he needs assistance yet he's cleverness, merciless, and maniacal. They replay his collaboration with Braun from a week ago and request a reaction. 

Strowman says Bray didn't make him and he owes him nothing, particularly not an expression of remorse. Wyatt is a controller, he gets in your mind and makes you question reality, however he's not playing those games. Whinny can challenge him, yet on the off chance that he seeks him, the main thing he's getting is These Hands. Joy goes to ask a followup however Strowman inquires as to whether "that" is for him. 

He gets a present from the side of the ring, and Alexa says she didn't get it however he's not getting it. He opens up the present and pulls out the odd one out veil he used to wear as a component of the Wyatt Family! Bawl's giggling rings out over the field as Strowman glances around confounded. 

(Wyatt commotion) 

A still pic of Braun wearing the cover once upon a time springs up. 

Wyatt keeps giggling. 

We go to break.

Once more from business, discourse clarifies the section we recently observed that was entirely plain as day, before affirming that Braun is safeguarding the title against Bray at Money in the Bank. 

Sasha Banks Vs Tamina

Banks asking off immediately, offering Tamina a shirt that is unmistakably excessively little. Snuka tosses it back at her and clarifies she wears an additional huge. Tangle pummel, toss the shirt at Bayley, off the ropes, Sasha counters a lasso into a cross pin however can't get her over. Headbutt from Tamina, fire fighter's convey, Banks holding the top rope for dear life and she battles onto the cover. 

Back elbow thumps her to the floor and we go to break. 

Again from business, Tamina laying shoulder pushes in the corner, official DA Brewer cautions her off and Banks gets to the cover to shoot a kick. Meteora follows, spread for two, coming down lower arms down in mount, off the ropes for a storm cellar dropkick yet the spread comes up void at one. Wrenching Snuka's neck in the ropes, shooting her with a boot to mollify her for the Bank Statment. 

Knee to the face, invert chinlock applied, crushing her down, Tamina sneaks out, activity goes to the floor and Bayley stands up from analysis and causes a whine for obstruction. Banks tosses Snuka into the post, Tiger bluff on the cover, into the steel steps and Sasha returns inside for the check. 

Lacey Evans makes her passage for the interruption, taking Bayley out, Tamina hits Banks with a superkick on the floor, back inside... 

Tamina wins by pinfall with a superkick to become #1 contender to the WWE SmackDown Women's Championship. 

Post-coordinate, Lacey lifts Tamina's hand. 

Jey Uso cuts a promotion from behind the stage, saying Kofi Kingston and John Morrison put on one serious act at WrestleMania with his sibling, yet Big E and the Miz aren't going to have the option to beat him. 

This sends us to break.

Once more from business, Lacey Evans is met.

She says Sasha Banks experienced her own medication, and after WrestleMania, any place Sasha goes, she follows. She's not going to stop until the crucial complete.

Denzel Dejournette vs. Sheamus

Dejournette gets a smidgen of activity carry his novice wrestling to hold up under yet Sheamus devastates him with elbows and knees and gets advised by ref Drake Wuertz before arranging him...

Sheamus wins by pinfall with the Brogue Kick.

Post-coordinate, Sheamus stands up to Michael Cole and shouts at him for discussing Jeff Hardy during his matches as of late.

We get another smaller than usual narrative about Jeff Hardy's vocation.

Behind the stage, Carmella shouts at Dana Brooke for taking a Money in the Bank qualifier this week when they have a label title coordinate one week from now. Dana says she can do both and she has this, which doesn't move a lot of trust in Mella. 

Naomi causes her passageway and we to go to break. 

Once again from business, we get some publicity for the following week's 25th commemoration festivity for Triple H. 

We’re also informed that the Money in the Bank ladder matches will take place at WWE headquarters, starting at the bottom with the briefcases literally on the roof. Sure.

Dana Brooke vs. Naomi (Money in the Bank Qualifying Match)

Exchanging pins to begin, no bones, inversions, Naomi with a dropkick for one. Searching for the headscissors into the turnbuckles yet Dana slings her over the top rope and to the floor! Requesting a tally out triumph from arbitrator Jessika Carr, choosing she'd preferably take the battle to the floor with a baseball slide before returning for the spread, just two.

Bodyscissors applied, Naomi pounding her with back elbows before connecting once again into a pin for two. moving around, stir switched into a short-arm roundhouse, scorpion kick, springboard roundhouse follows. More kicks, off the ropes, Brooke gets her into a sit-out powerbomb... Probably not! Off the ropes, handspring sprinkle yet Naomi gets the knees up! Back View countered into a triumph move, still no!

Another Rear View lands valid... Just TWO! Up for the split-leg moonsault, no one home, Brooke exploits...

Dana Brooke wins by pinfall with a nightfall flip to meet all requirements for the ladies' Money in the Bank stepping stool coordinate. 

Post-coordinate Brooke celebrates large, embracing Michael Cole and for the most part losing her psyche.

We get a video bundle recapping the whole adventure of Mandy Rose and Otis Dozovic and we go to break.

Sonya Deville will try to clear the air with Mandy Rose - SEGMENT

Once again from business, Sonya Deville makes her passage and jumps on the mic.

She says she's been attempting to get tightly to Mandy Rose for about fourteen days yet she won't answer her calls or messages so she needs to present an open clarification to make things right. She asks and says she's never had somebody like Mandy in her life, and since the very beginning they've been as one and she went to her sister's wedding, so please...

Enter Mandy Rose.

She gets her very own mic and says she truly doesn't have anything to state after what Sonya did to Otis and her. Deville says she's spent a greater amount of her most recent five years with Rose than her own family and the refusal to listen to her caused her to feel like not as much as nothing, and what she's been attempting to state is that Mandy is the most... she gags and wails... narrow minded individual she's at any point met.

Mandy is befuddled and Deville says this has nothing to do with her and Otis, it's about how she understood the subsequent she indicated enthusiasm for Otis she was prepared to kick her to the control. Fire and Desire was never about her, it was about Mandy. They utilized her passage music, they obscured Sonya on their tron, they needed to push Mandy's magazine... She says she nearly choked, which Mandy must do a great deal with Otis.

The miserable part is Dolph Ziggler really thinks about her, and take a gander at Dolph, at that point take a gander at Otis. Better believe it she helped Dolph connect with her, yet Ziggler was going to assist them with winning the label titles consequently and Rose demolished it. Mandy asks how, and Sonya says she feels such a great amount of better with the cards on the table, and all she needs presently is to see her hurt.

Mandy may be pretty, yet she's only extremely common jug blonde who appears as though she was made in a type of lab. Does she know what it feels like to work and work, squandered to be second-best to no-ability sight to behold? She needs her to listen cautiously—she realizes Mandy superior to anybody, similar to a sister, similar to a flat mate, similar to an accomplice, and she'll utilize each ounce of her being to destroy her life, and everybody will acknowledge who the genuine champ in Fire and Desire was.

Rose says she's happy she slapped her at WrestleMania, and—

Enter Dolph Ziggler.

He needs to intervene, and he asks Mandy to allow him to make it up to her. He needs her to look at him without flinching and reveal to him she doesn't feel anything for him. Before she can reply, Sonya decks her! Ziggler is confounded and harmed and—

Enter Otis Dozovic! He takes Dolph out however Deville gets a sleeper hold! Rose pulls her off Dozer with a tangle hammer and the heels flee! Otis and Mandy have a second prior Ziggler runs back in the ring! Dozer cuts him off... CATERPILLAR!

We get a commemoration video bundle for incredible ring host Howard Finkel to send us to break.

Back from commercial, we get a Miz promo where he complains about having to defend the tag titles by himself but also says he and John Morrison are the best tag team of the 21st century.

A Forgotten Sons video package follows.

Cesaro vs. Daniel Bryan (Money in the Bank Qualifying Match)

Activity hot and overwhelming from the hop, to the floor, Bryan dropkicks Cesaro over the report table and our programmer buddy cuts in discussing untruths and truth once more, and we go to break.

Again from business, Cesaro is in charge however Bryan turns around to the Jim Breaks Special and into the bicep step. Shoulder armbreaker into a hammerlock, stooping on the Swiss Superman and tweaking his arm back for most extreme torque! Cesaro moves through to turn around, back elbow, shaking life into his arms, side headlock, shot off, hip hurl into a cross armbar!

Cesaro keeping his arms caught, counter into the deadlift powerbomb! Extra shot to the back, scoop and a hammer, spread just gets two. Bryan back on the arm, up top, plunging crossbody, Cesaro gets him... ONE-ARM BACKBREAKER FOR TWO! Venture through, Sharpshooter applied in the ring! Dan gets the ropes to drive the break and bails yet Cesaro trails and shoots him with an uppercut that sends us to break.

Once more from business, Bryan searching for a lose the faith, Cesaro inverts, Dan arrives on his feet and into a flying armbar however again the Swiss Superman catches his hands! Going for the deadlift again yet Bryan battles out and into a leg choose before kicking Cesaro's arm from under him! Kicks to the awful arm, Cesaro attempts to square one with a twofold axehandle yet his arm gives out!

Buzzsaw finale interfaces and Bryan gets him in position for the cross overhead elbows! Cesaro hosses him up before driving him into the turnbuckles, hanging on... GO 2 SLEEP! Spread for two, arm-trap crossface follows, Bryan moving him around, countering into the omoplata, going for the LeBell Lock yet Cesaro obstructs his grasp! Off the ropes, rope clears the American Dragon out!

Uppercuts in the corner, crying on poor Dan, whip over, reverse somersault up and over got however Bryan counters.... FROM DUSK Until DAWN LEBELL LOCK! Shinsuke Nakamura attempts to meddle, Drew Gulak kills him, Cesaro must choose between limited options...

Daniel Bryan wins by submission with the tilt-a-whirl LeBell Lock to qualify for the men’s Money in the Bank ladder match.

Big E gets a promo about how your boy is gonna do work and become an eight-time tag champ.

Elias is demonstrated strolling behind the stage to send us to break... Also, BARON CORBIN BLINDSIDES HIM! Over a table, into a creation truck, shouting at him that he's no one preceding punching him down and putting boots to him. Elbow to the kidneys... HE SMASHES ELIAS' HAND BETWEEN TWO ROAD CASES! He requests that he play a melody before choosing his showed signs of improvement thought and hauling the Drifter and his guitar off-screen to send us to break.

Back from commercial, Elias is sitting against a street case, his hand trembling, when Corbin moves back up to whip him some more. 

He says he's going to cause a case of him before stepping on his hand and requesting that that he sing. He says he's the ruler, not a joke, and advises him to bow down... BEFORE SPIKING HIM WITH HIS SCEPTER! 

Baron puts his crown on and leaves Elias wheezing and dry hurling. 

Critique builds up the following week's show.

Big E vs. Jey Uso vs. the Miz (c) (WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship)

Big E passes Miz into the corner, uppercut for Uso, tummy to-midsection suplex for the A-Lister! Following Miz out to the floor, Big tosses him into the blockade! E clears the declare table yet Uso nails him with a superkick! Siphon kick from Miz, impossible coalition... THEY SUPLEX BIG E THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE TO SEND US TO BREAK!

Over from business, Uso dumps Miz out of the ring and jumps on E! A plunge for Miz also! Back inside, up top, plunging crossbody however the A-Lister kicks out! Huge gets a boot yet eats an enzuigiri, Ode to Rikishi on the two men! Charging in... E with the Rock Bottom! Miz with the Awesome Clothesline, springboard rope, feeling himself, full nelson, E battles out and Jey levels the two men with superkicks!

 Spread for two on Big, Miz snaps off a little bundle, just two. Dusk flip from Jey, the A-Lister moves through and picks the leg however Uso kicks him off and students him. Miz kicks out, full nelson, Skull Crushing Finale... NOT ENOUGH! Figure four leglock applied in the ring, Jey shouting anguish, attempting to turn around it, clubbing ceaselessly at Miz's knee yet he can't escape!

Huge E back in the ring, he hosses Miz up...

New Day win by pinfall with the Big Ending from Big E on the Miz, winning the WWE SmackDown Tag Team Championship. 

We cut video of Kofi Kingston watching at home and praising the success with his best Howard Finkel impression before slicing to Xavier Woods celebrating before his honestly absurd shelves brimming with what seems, by all accounts, to be damn close to each US-discharged Sega Saturn game. 

Big E much loves the belts.

That is the show, people.


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