WWE Raw Results – 3/30/20 (Final Raw before WrestleMania 36)

WWE Raw Results – 3/30/20 (Final Raw before WrestleMania 36)


The Undertaker shows up and calls AJ Styles by his genuine name: Allan Jones. Styles has a major mouth. Funeral director doesn't have the foggiest idea whether he has a major set or he's simply actually that idiotic. In any case, his mouth is composing checks his rear end can't money. Styles most likely idea that by dropping channel bombs, he'd get under his skin. Funeral director has heard a great deal more terrible from obviously better than Styles. There are a few realities to what Styles has been stating. Styles referenced 10-15 years prior, he most likely wouldn't have any desire to attempt the Undertaker. You damn right! Styles was content being a major fish in a little lake since he realized he didn't have what it took to hang with him, Stone Cold, The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, and Edge… the absolute best the business brought to the table. The Phenomenal One… my rear end. Styles held up until they were completely gone with the exception of him. 

Funeral director has definitely a larger number of matches behind him than he has in front. Allan has stepped in something there's no returning from. His stupid pride settled on awful choices for him. All the things he stated, he gets it. It's the same old thing. Where he went too far was the point at which he referenced his significant other. Styles is frantic his better half does the Faith Breaker a.k.a. the Styles Clash and got it over. Styles will die for disregarding his significant other, Michelle McCool. He'll address the cost in a boneyard, Styles' thought. Styles needs to be significant at the Showcase of the Immortals. Who preferable to get that going over The Undertaker? Attempt him. He'll put Styles on the map. He trusts Styles brings those "ass comedians" Gallows and Anderson since every one of them three will feel the fury of the unholy trinity he's bringing. They will get injured and endure. Above all they will Rest… In… Peace. A realistic show a tombstone with "AJ Styles: 1977-2020" behind The Undertaker.


Brock Lesnar will be live later today. We'll additionally observe Kevin Owens and The Street Profits face Seth Rollins, Andrade, and Angel Garza. 

Becky Lynch drove up in a semi with her decals on top of it prior today. 

- Commercial Break- 

Film is appeared of Becky Lynch assaulting Shayna Baszler a week ago on Raw. 

Crude Women's Champion Becky Lynch makes her passageway and remains on the stage. Lynch says a year ago she battled two victors in a single match a year ago at WrestleMania in the headliner. Charlotte Flair was the SmackDown Women's Champion and Ronda Rousey was the Raw Women's Champion. She had all the weight on her. She's been strolling the extremely sharp steel from that point onward.

They replay the whole headliner of WrestleMania 35 from a year ago. 

Becky Lynch is still there after the finish of the match. Lynch says Shayna Baszler believes she's an executioner and has the edge. Baszler figures taking this title from her would crush her. It would. We as a whole get into this business since they have evil spirits to kill. Lynch doesn't have the foggiest idea who she is without being the boss. Baszler strolls around all cool with her soft tone and enclosure warrior continue, yet she's finding a good pace all the rest she's confronted. Baszler needs to do the one thing her amigo Ronda Rousey proved unable: beat her. Baszler thinks she'll be viewed as a world class competitor or she'll lose and get set back in Rousey's shadow. When Baszler discusses somebody being demolished at WrestleMania, which one is she discussing. 

Out of nowhere, Baszler assaults her from behind and applies the Kirifuda Clutch. Baszler then hammers her go head to head the discourse table. Baszler lifts her up and pummels her into the side of the analysis table. Baszler gets the Raw Women's Championship and tosses it on Lynch.

Aleister Black versus Jason Cade 

Dark rapidly clears the feet and tranquilly sits in the focal point of the ring. Cade doesn't have a clue what Black is doing. Dark hinders a kick, however Cade returns with an enzuigiri. Dark kicks away the hand and associates with Black Mass for the success. 

Winner by Pinfall: Aleister Black


Film is appeared of Seth Rollins saying there is no Kevin Owens without him a week ago on Raw. 

Kevin Owens groups with The Street Profits to take on Seth Rollins, Andrade, and Angel Garza. 

- Commercial Break- 

Heavenly attendant Garza turns out with Zelina Vega. Vega says she has shocking news. Andrade has endured a genuine physical issue to his ribs and is medicinally incapable to contend. Be that as it may, she approaches the most sultry youthful ability here in WWE. Much the same as she acquired Angel Garza, she's getting the most sizzling free operator: Austin Theory.

The Street Profits and Kevin Owens vs. Angel Garza, Austin Theory, and Seth Rollins w/ Zelina Vega

It'll be Kevin Owens beginning against Seth Rollins, however Rollins rapidly labels in Austin Theory. Owens punches Theory down and cleaves the chest. Owens punches him in the corner before sponsorship up. Owens insults Rollins and labels in Angelo Dawkins. Dawkins rapidly labels in Montez Ford. Dawkins shoulder squares Theory down before flipping Ford onto him. Holy messenger Garza runs in, so the Street Profits hit him with a twofold group pancake onto Theory. Passage at that point wipes Garza and Theory out with a summersault plancha. 

- Commercial Break- 

We return from the split to see Ford escape from Garza, yet Garza before long dropkicks him down and rips his jeans off. Hypothesis labels in and brings Ford down for a close to fall. Hypothesis applies a jawline lock and knees Ford. Passage tosses Theory to the cover, however he arrives on his feet. Hypothesis hits a folding roar into a dropkick for a close to fall. Hypothesis lower arms Ford down and clubs the back a couple of times. Hypothesis goes for a back suplex, yet Ford flips through. 

Dawkins labels in and shoulder squares Theory before thumping Rollins and Garza off the cover. Dawkins hits Theory with an exploder suplex. Rollins dazzle labels in. Dawkins sprinkles Theory in the corner and goes for a bulldog, yet Theory tosses him over the top rope. Dawkins rapidly shoulder squares Garza before getting in the ring and turning Theory back to front with a shoulder square. Rollins then superkicks Dawkins. Owens grins at Rollins and advises Dawkins to find a workable pace make the tag. Rollins steps Dawkins and punches him down. Rollins gags Dawkins on the ropes until the arbitrator reprimands him. Garza kicks Dawkins in the face. Hypothesis labels in and steps Dawkins before punching him. Garza labels in and assaults Dawkins before hopping on the back for a two tally. Rollins labels in and kicks Dawkins in the ribs. Rollins hits a snapmare and kicks him in the spine. Rollins applies a jaw lock and elbows the face. Rollins applies a jaw lock before changing to a front facelock. Dawkins punches out, however Rollins knees him and punches Ford off the cover. Owens insults Rollins. Dawkins moves Rollins up for a two check. Rollins rapidly hits a Sling Blade and punches away at Dawkins. Dawkins obstructs a superkick and punches Rollins down. 

Owens labels in, and Rollins rapidly dashes to his corner and labels Garza in. Owens hacks Garza and sends him into the ropes, however he brings down his head and eats a kick. Owens rapidly clotheslines him down and hits a senton sprinkle. Owens hits a cannonball in the corner and goes to the top rope. Owens hits a senton bomb, however Theory separates the pin. Passage rapidly hits Theory with an enzuigiri. Portage goes for a summersault plancha on Theory, yet misses and pummels hard on the slope! It would seem that Ford erred where Theory was. In the ring, Owens hits Garza with a Stunner for the success.

Winners by Pinfall: The Street Profits and Kevin Owens

Rollins immediately hits Owens with a Stomp as soon as the referee counts three. Rollins then walks off.


WWE Champion Brock Lesnar will be out later this evening. 

We investigate the trailer for "The Big Show." 

- Commercial Break- 

Kevin Owens is still in the ring. Seth Rollins may have kicked some sense into him. Owens considered what Rollins said a week ago and he has a remark. Last Monday, Rollins strolled around this spot and said this structure was manufactured as a result of him. Everybody that gets through this spot ought to be grateful to Rollins. Owens says he's heard in any case. This spot was worked disregarding Rollins. Rollins was a bad dream to manage the moment he ventured foot in that stockroom in Tampa. Nobody could stand Rollins. He knew it all about everything. Rollins demonstrated everybody right when individuals said he is "a self-important dipshit." 

Owens can't care for Rollins. Rollins demonstrated him right a week ago. Rollins discussed all his WrestleMania minutes and said he's a divine being. Rollins said Owens is a failure. Those words remained with him. While Owens might not have all the WrestleMania minutes Rollins does, he can guarantee similar honors. He's been the Intercontinental Champion, United States Champion, and was Universal Champion well before Rollins. Those WrestleMania minutes and achievements he completed weren't all alone. Owens had somebody watching his back with him one way or the other. So did Rollins. None of those WrestleMania minutes Rollins has weren't practiced alone. Rollins consistently had reinforcement or discovered a shrewd method to get them. Rollins should be straightforward with himself. The main thing Rollins said that seemed well and good is all that somebody achieved doesn't make a difference when you arrive. On Saturday when they get in the ring at WrestleMania, their pasts don't make a difference. The only thing that is important is they're going one-on-one. This Saturday night, he'll show that Rollins can't prophet, savior, or a divine being the point at which he sticks him in the ring and takes his first WrestleMania minute from Rollins. This Saturday, Owens will be the one to torch it.


Edge will be out, next. 

- Commercial Break- 

Video Package: Edge versus Randy Orton – Last Man Standing 

Edge is indicated behind the stage. Edge makes reference to that Randy Orton said Adam Copeland is an addict for Edge. Orton is most likely right. It's not about inner self. Edge simply adores the inclination that occurs in the field. That blast when his music hits, that association he has from the crowd. He's one of them. He originated from them. They're all addicts for this. As a multi year old child sitting in the eleventh column for Hulk Hogan versus The Ultimate Warrior… in case you're not an addict for this, you're occupying room and in his way. 

They have various meanings of "coarseness." To Orton, coarseness implies being handpicked for Evolution and laying on the shrubs and drifting on his family name with spurts of enchantment for a long time, alright with being alright. Alright for Orton is superior to most, yet to him coarseness is the kind of man that will venture down into the opening and haul someone out that presumably doesn't merit it. Coarseness is declining to be in Evolution since he wouldn't like to be somebody's flunky. Coarseness is producing your own Hall of Fame profession. To him coarseness is contemplating how to get back here regularly for a long time and end this on his own terms. Edge said that Orton is envious of him, however he's most certainly not. Orton is desirous of Edge's enthusiasm. You can't manufacture enthusiasm. He has it and Orton doesn't. The main time Orton has enthusiasm is the point at which he's near. Edge lights a fire under him and everybody sees it however Orton. Everybody is stating this is the best Orton has ever been. The last time Orton made a decent attempt was 9 years prior. That must panic Orton. Edge rouses energy and that alarms Orton. Orton is an addict for the manner in which Edge causes him to feel. 

Those voices in Orton's mind committed him make an awful error. Orton assaulted his pack and nearly made them accept the Royal Rumble was sufficient conclusion for him, yet then he put his hands on his significant other and articulated the names of his daughters to pull him back in. Orton acknowledged a Last Man Standing match with him, a man who will jump face-first into a blazing table with thumbtacks in his body just to snatch the light Orton underestimated. Orton burrowed himself another opening. This time, he's not pulling him retreat. He'll push Orton so far in that he'll never get pull out. Edge looks insane as he wraps up.


Asuka versus Kayden Carter 

Asuka yells in Japanese and pinnacles the amplifiers before yelling, "Who are you?" No one is prepared for Asuka! 

The chime rings, and Carter dropkicks her into the ropes. Carter punches away at Asuka, yet Asuka before long hits a butt knock. Asuka kicks Carter in the head, yet Carter hinders a kick. Asuka goes for a takedown, yet Carter moves her up for a two check. Carter rapidly catches up with a dropkick for a close to fall. Asuka obstructs a kick and picks the lower leg before hitting a German Suplex. Asuka violently kicks her in the head before applying the Asuka Lock for the accommodation. 

Winner by Submission: Asuka 

Asuka goes to the critique table and yells for Alexa Bliss. Asuka moves around and shouts in Japanese.

- Commercial Break- 

NXT Women's Champion Rhea Ripley is demonstrated showing up to the Performance Center when Charlotte Flair kicks her in the back, sending her face-first into a carport entryway. Authorities approach hold Flair back. Energy says, "Hello newbie, I'll see you at WrestleMania! Charm!" Flair strolls off. Ripley finds a workable pace and says, "Better believe it… no doubt you will." 

They're replaying Rey Mysterio versus Brock Lesnar from Survivor Series 2019. 

The pundits run down the WrestleMania card. 

- Commercial Break- 

WWE Champion Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are as of now in the ring. Heyman presents himself and says he'd would rather not pull the shade back on the wrestling business. Heyman has faith in the enchantment of WWE. Heyman adores being in a business where we take overwhelming people and elevate them to a worldwide crowd. This is the last portion on the last Raw before WrestleMania. This is the most one of a kind WrestleMania of our lifetimes not on the grounds that it's too enormous for one night. This is the most interesting time we'll ever encounter.


They consider this the return home portion of the show in a hurry home show. For what reason is the hero Brock Lesnar in the ring on this fragment each year? Lesnar is the monster to kill, the one to vanquish, the one to beat on the single greatest demonstration of the year. This year, Drew McIntyre has really ventured up. Heyman offers his commendations to him. McIntyre is that uncommon. Contrasted with the person in the city, McIntyre is that unique. Contrasted with that good for nothing in the exercise center that figures he can do WWE stuff — they can't — McIntyre is extraordinary. Contrasted with the storage space, the most remarkable list ever, McIntyre is exceptional. You know who else was extraordinary? The Rock who got spread out and beaten for the title by Lesnar. Mass Hogan was likewise extraordinary, however his blood was scoured on Lesnar's chest. Randy Couture, John Cena, The Undertaker were all uncommon and symbols that remained over the various symbols. Toward the day's end when they got in the ring against a once historically speaking competitor like Lesnar, they wound up like every other person: not all that god damn unique and simply Brock's bitch. 

Heyman says Drew McIntyre needn't bother with him to advance how great the Claymore Kick is. So was the Rock Bottom, Hulk Hogan's Leg Drop, Randy Couture and Shane Carwin's killer blows, Cena's Attitude Adjustment, and Undertaker's Chokeslam and Tombstone, however not on the day they stepped in with Lesnar. It genuinely made a difference after the chime rang. Presently that Lesnar realizes the Claymore Kick is coming, he's either aced a system to dodge it or he'll eat it and check whether it can bring him down. Heyman has something. It's in excess of an expectation or a spoiler. It's an undeniable certainty. One year from now in a hurry home section in a hurry home Raw before WrestleMania, you realize who will be remaining here? Brock Lesnar with the title behind him. Heyman will discuss how McIntyre had an incredible story to tell, yet he got beaten fugly at the 2020 WrestleMania by the prevailing, safeguarding, undisputed WWE World Heavyweight Champion. McIntyre will stroll in unique and leave simply like every other person: just Brock's bitch.



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