WWE Friday Night SmackDown results, March 27, 2020

WWE Smackdown Results - March 27 2020 | PWMania

WWE Friday Night SmackDown resultsMarch 272020: The Miz & Morrison get knocked down a rung by shocking WrestleMania announcement

– Tonight's WWE SmackDown on FOX opens with the standard introduction video. We're live on tape from the void WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida as Michael Cole invites us. He builds up today around evening time's matches – The Usos versus The New Day to decide the WrestleMania 36 rivals for SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Miz and John Morrison, WWE Women's Tag Team Champion Asuka versus Alexa Bliss, Bray Wyatt's Firefly Fun House, and the sky is the limit from there. We will likewise see Roman Reigns versus Triple H from WrestleMania 32 fully expecting Reigns versus WWE Universal Champion Bill Goldberg.

– We go right to the ring and out comes Sasha Banks with SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley. Cole builds up Bayley's WrestleMania 36 Fatal 5 Way Elimination Match with Banks, Naomi, Tamina Snuka, and Lacey Evans.

Banks and Bayley hit the ring with mics and talk about WrestleMania 36. They talk about how unique the occasion is nevertheless stated this year WrestleMania is a bad dream for them. Bayley goes on about Paige attempting to set them against one another. Bayley says there is no isolating them, they resemble nutty spread and jam. Isn't that so? Sasha doesn't resemble she's going to concur with Bayley. Before she can talk, the music hits and out comes Evans.

Evans takes shots at Banks and Bayley. Bayley calls her a failure and Banks says she has a bratty little girl. Evans goes on about how she will deal with the two Banks and Bayley at WrestleMania, taking the title from… the music hinders and out comes Naomi. Naomi runs down Banks and Bayley and says the sparkle will sparkle splendidly at WrestleMania. Bayley says this won't be one of those evenings where everybody turns out and interferes with it… the music hits and out comes Tamina.

Tamina enters the ring and gazes everybody down. She says activities express stronger than words. Snuka drops Naomi with a headbutt, at that point Evans with a superkick. Banks and Bayley follow Naomi in the corner however run into Snuka. Banks and Bayley leave the ring and back up the slope after Bayley snatches her title. Tamina looks on from the ring as Evans and Naomi recuperate on the tangle.

WWE SmackDown results, winners, grades and reaction 27 March 2020

– Still to come, Drew Gulak versus Shinsuke Nakamura with WrestleMania 36 ramifications. Back to business.

– Back from the break and we see late happenings with Daniel Bryan, Drew Gulak, Sami Zayn, Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura.

Drew Gulak versus Shinsuke Nakamura 

We return to the ring and out comes Drew Gulak with Daniel Bryan as Greg Hamilton does the presentations. Shinsuke Nakamura is out next with Cesaro and WWE Intercontinental Champion Sami Zayn. On the off chance that Gulak dominates this game, Bryan gets the WrestleMania 36 title shot from Zayn. Zayn joins Cole on critique.

Nakamura takes control right off the bat and pounds Gulak. Nakamura drives knees and keeps control. Gulak in the long run bursts out of the corner and empties on Nakamura. Gulak takes Nakamura against the ropes and whips him as the arbitrator cautions him. Cesaro pulls Nakamura to wellbeing outwardly. The arbitrator converses with Gulak and cautions him in the ring. Gulak winds up outwardly as Nakamura conveys huge kicks against the declare table, while Sami shouts at him. Bryan strolls over and Sami hollers at him.

Nakamura brings Gulak once again into the ring however Gulak goes for the leg and turns it around. Gulak chips away at the leg some more while Nakamura is tied up in the ropes. Gulak empties on Nakamura in the corner while Cesaro goes on and on from the floor. Gulak misses a running kick in the corner. Nakamura with a flying knee from the second rope for a 2 check. Bryan attempts to revitalize for Gulak at ringside.

Nakamura has Gulak grounded now. Nakamura drives a knee and keeps control. They get back up and exchange strikes however Nakamura rocks Gulak and hammers him face-first into the tangle. Nakamura requires the Kinshasa however Bryan gives a help, pushing Gulak off the beaten path. This permits Gulak to get the pin for the success.

Victor: Drew Gulak

WWE SmackDown Results & 5 Takeaways (3/27) | Scoop Square 24

– After the match, Gulak and Bryan celebrate as Bryan is going to WrestleMania to confront Zayn for the title. Sami has a tantrum and shouts out as we go to replays. Bryan and Gulak keep provoking Sami and his team from the slope.

– Still to come, Asuka versus Joy, in addition to the Firefly Fun House. Back to business.

– Back from the break and Cole affirms Bryan versus Zayn for the Intercontinental Title at WrestleMania 36.

– Cole gives us what occurred between Dolph Ziggler and Otis a week ago. Otis snapped after Ziggler showed photographs of him and Mandy Rose on the big screen. We see Ziggler behind the stage chatting on his telephone, to Rose, when the deliberate glitch by and by flashes over the screen. Otis and Tucker run up yet authorities prevent them from assaulting Ziggler. Ziggler insults Otis as authorities keep him down. Otis and Ziggler concede to a WrestleMania match and Ziggler says Mandy will be in his corner.

Otis vs Dolph Ziggler, with Mandy Rose, at WrestleMania 36

– We return to the ring region and Elias is up on the roost with his guitar. He thanks everybody for permitting him into their homes. He raises how WrestleMania have Rob Gronkowski figured it would be a useful for Elias to confront King Baron Corbin at the enormous occasion. Before he arrives, Elias needs Corbin to hear his most recent melody. Elias begins playing out the melody about WrestleMania and Corbin. Elias much appreciated "the limit swarm here at the Performance Center" and goes to wrap up however Corbin assaults him and devastates him. Elias is clinging to the railing of the roost as Corbin insults him and works him over. Elias attempts to move back up however Corbin utilizes his staff to wreck Elias to the floor underneath. Elias tumbles from up high and is spread out. Authorities surge over and call for help to come help, Elias. Back to business.

– Back from the break and we see what just befell Elias. Cole hypes the earnestness of the circumstance and considers it an "awful" assault. Cole says Elias is being moved to a nearby clinical office and we will attempt to figure out how this affects King Corbin versus Elias coordinate at WrestleMania.

WWE SmackDown Live Results, March 27, 2020: Highlights, Winners ...

Asuka versus Alexa Bliss 

We return to the ring and out comes WWE Women's Tag Team Champion Asuka. No indication of Kairi Sane. Alexa Bliss is out next with Nikki Cross. Cole is joined at the declare table by Cross.

The chime rings and Asuka has words for Bliss. Joy advises her to bring it. Euphoria ducks and insults Asuka. They have more words before grinding away. Rapture empties with lower arms. They run the ropes and Bliss nails a dropkick for a 2 tally. Delight keeps Asuka grounded with a headlock now. She gets free and drops Bliss with a shoulder. Asuka ridicules Cross from the ring.

Cross attempts to energize the vacant group as Asuka holds Bliss down. Delight returns and sends Asuka out to the floor. Joy taunts Asuka from the ring. Asuka returns to the cover and they have words. Euphoria sends Asuka to withdraw to the floor. Joy follows yet Asuka kicks her and afterward dispatches her into the steel ring steps. Asuka stands tall on the floor and insults Cross as we return to business.

Again from the break and Asuka has Bliss grounded in the ring. Asuka rocks her with a kick and strikes against the ropes. Asuka ridicules Cross once more. Asuka winds up missing a Hip Attack as Bliss kicks her in the back and she goes down. Asuka turns it around and they tangle on the cover however Bliss counters and hammers Asuka face-first into the cover by her arm.

Joy brings it once more into the ring for a nearby 2 tally. Ecstasy keeps on concentrating on the arm. Ecstasy with a major kick. Asuka charges, however, misses as Bliss moves. Asuka hits the turnbuckles hard. Rapture with a clothesline and right hands. Joy goes on yet misses a moonsault as Asuka moves, moving to the floor. Rapture pursues Asuka back to the cover, dropping her face-first into the cover. Joy keeps control and brings Asuka back in for a 2 check, and another. Cross is additional irritating on discourse this evening. Asuka goes for the Asuka Lock yet Bliss slams her go into the corner.

Rapture moves Asuka out of the corner and nails a major DDT in the ring for the pin to win.

Victor: Alexa Bliss

– After the match, Cross hits the ring to celebrate with Bliss as the music hits. We go to replays. Cross and Bliss embrace in the ring as Asuka slithers outwardly.

– The Usos are behind the stage getting advertised up for today around evening time's match with The New Day.

– Also still to come, a glance back at Roman Reigns versus Triple H from WrestleMania 32. Back to business.

– Back from the break and we get publicity for WrestleMania 36 and how Night One is only 8 days away. Cole discusses previous NFL tight-end Rob Gronkowski filling in as the host.

– Cole shows us a replay from Roman Reigns versus Triple H at WrestleMania 32 of every 2016. We return a business break and go to the match. We enjoy another business reprieve. We return and get one more break before observing Reigns' enormous title win that night. Cole returns and is joined by Triple H, who is in the back. He requests an expectation on Reigns versus WWE Universal Champion Bill Goldberg at WrestleMania 36. Triple H discusses how the two men acquire significant force the ring, yet various types. Triple H says Reigns' force increments as the match goes on. On the off chance that the match goes snappy, he trusts Goldberg will win, however on the off chance that it goes long and Reigns can withstand the underlying invasion of Goldberg, at that point Reigns will manufacture and work until Goldberg comes up short on gas and The Big Dog wins the title. Cole builds up Reigns versus Goldberg at WrestleMania 36. There has been no notice of Reigns not wrestling at WrestleMania 36.

– We go behind the stage to The New Day. They get advertised up for today's large match with The Usos.

– Still to come, Bray Wyatt's Firefly Fun House. Back to business.

– Back from the break and Dolph Ziggler is with Sonya Deville in the back. He's discussing what Heavy Machinery did before. Mandy Rose strolls up and welcomes them. Deville leaves to deal with some business. Rose asks Ziggler for what good reason he's doing this to Otis. Ziggler makes light of it and says he merits it. Rose inquires as to whether he truly needed to rub the photographs in. Rose says she's everything for their match at WrestleMania however she will not let them battle about her like some prize. Ziggler looks forward to such an excess of being finished, at that point wanders off with his arm around Rose.

WWE SmackDown Results 3/27/2020

– We go to the Firefly Fun House and Bray Wyatt invites us. He's very eager to see us. We see the head light. Wyatt tells it to quiet down in light of the fact that it got its opportunity yet fizzled against John Cena. Wyatt says "He" won't fizzle, The Fiend. Abby The Witch talks and inquires as to whether he presently has the mystery formula to vanquish Cena or something. Wyatt pulls out a blender and different fixings, including hot sauce, disillusionment, wrath and disdain. Ramblin' Rabbit shows up with a carrot, that will assist him with seeing Cena. Wyatt snatches Rabbit and says this is the thing that he was missing – some unimportant suppositions. He adds Rabbit to the blender as Rabbit argues and shouts. Wyatt snickers as he mixes the smoothie up. Wyatt does some more satire and says he's made the ideal smoothie for "Him" to vanquish Cena at WrestleMania. Wyatt says Cena merits a WrestleMania coordinate that is not conventional, particularly since "He" is definitely not standard. The Fiend needs Cena to step into their reality. Wyatt says The Fiend is currently testing Cena to a Firefly Fun House Match. Wyatt drinks the smoothie and says there is only one… awful symptom. He quits fooling around and gazes at the camera as The Fiend flashes over the screen. The section closes.

The New Day versus The Usos 

WWE SmackDown Results & 5 Takeaways (3/27)

We go to the ring for today around evening time's headliner and out come the SmackDown Tag Team Champions, The Miz and John Morrison. They join Cole for editorial. The New Day and The Usos will do fight here to figure out who challenges for the titles at WrestleMania 36. Back to business.

Over from the break and reported for one week from now is a go head to head between Roman Reigns and Bill Goldberg, in addition to John Cena's reaction to the Firefly Fun House challenge from Bray Wyatt. We go to the ring and out first comes Kofi Kingston and Big E of The New Day. Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso are out straightaway.

Jimmy begins with Kofi and takes control right off the bat. They run the ropes and Jimmy gets Kofi in mid-air. Kofi counters and they tangle into and out of the corner. Kofi dropkicks Jimmy however it's blocked. Jimmy dispatches Kofi into the corner yet he arrives on the turnbuckle and nails a springboard dropkick. The Usos end up on the floor to pull together. Miz and Morrison insult them from the declare table.

Uso returns and Big E is the lawful man. They lock up and Big E overwhelms, propelling Uso over the ring. Increasingly to and fro between the two groups now. Kofi goes at it with Jey. Jimmy labels in for the enormous twofold group, dropping Kofi over the top rope for a major 2 check. Large E comes in and empties on Uso with stomach to-midsection suplexes. Huge E goes for a pin yet stops and hauls Uso to the cover to beat on him with lower arms from the floor. Large E goes to the cover and conveys a major sprinkle to Uso on the edge of the cover. Back to business.

Once again from the break and Jey hits a major Samoan Drop on Big E for a nearby 2 tally. Uso with the huge Rikishi sprinkle in the corner. Jimmy labels back in and charges however Big E gets him with a major Uranage out of the corner. Kofi attempts to mobilize the vacant field for Big E. Kofi and Jey tag in simultaneously. Kofi empties and nails a dropkick. Kofi with more offense and a Boom Drop in the ring. Uso ducks Trouble In Paradise and rocks Kofi. Progressively to and fro now. Uso obstructs a shot in mid-air and pummels Kofi into a half-Crab in the ring.

Kofi battles out of the Crab and figures out how to drop Uso with SOS in the ring. Uso kicks out at 2. Kofi slides out of a hold. Uso runs into an elbow in the corner. Large E labels in for the enormous twofold group however Kofi needs to arrive on his feet. Uso runs in and sends Kofi into the ring post, at that point superkicks Big E twice for a nearby 2 check. The Usos contend with the arbitrator. The Usos twofold group Big E with hacks in the corner now. They take Big E to the top for a twofold superplex however he thumps them to the tangle. Uso with a major kick, sending Big E from the top to the floor. Kofi gets brought into the ring and afterward hurled pull out yet he holds tight. Kofi counters and sends The Usos to the floor. Kofi forces the ropes and jumps to leave, bringing down The Usos on the floor once more.

Miz and Morrison are remaining on the declare table presently, insulting different groups. Kofi wrecks Morrison. Usos flies over the top and brings them down. Enormous E runs the ropes and hits a Spear to thump Uso to the floor. Everybody is down at this point. Enormous E brings Uso back in yet Miz and Morrison assault Big E to drive the exclusion.

Victors by DQ: The New Day

WWE Smackdown Full Highlights 27 march 2020 | we speak wwe | - YouTube

– After the Bell, Morrison and Miz bring the two groups once again into the ring and beat them up. The arbitrator calls for them to split it up. Cole stands up and has breaking news from WWE authorities. He declares Miz and Morrison versus The New Day versus The Usos in a Triple Threat Ladder Match for WrestleMania 36. The New Day winds up taking out Miz and Morrison as The Usos look on from the floor, giving the thumbs up. The Usos' music hits as they back up the incline. SmackDown goes shut off.


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